Gear up by furthering your education through CCC2University


Your education is one of the best investments you can make. CCC’s experienced instructors, excellent student-to-teacher ratios, and wide selection of associate degree programs can give you an excellent start toward your four-year degree at a fraction of the cost.


Once you’ve earned your degree with us, you can transfer to a four-year university through one of our transfer programs and partnerships. CCC has academic partnerships with Northern Arizona University, Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and Grand Canyon University.



CCC2University Transfer Partnerships

If you are planning to transfer to four-year institution after CCC, you are required to meet with a transfer advisor early in your program so that the advisor can work with you to develop a timeline and coursework outline to facilitate your transfer.

CCC students are highly encouraged to meet with their transfer advisor each semester to stay on track.


Northern Arizona University logo


Explore the CCC2NAU pathways to see what courses are required to fulfill an NAU degree. Schedule an appointment with a CCC2NAU advisor to discuss pathways and create a plan to transition to NAU.



Arizona State University logo


Plan your transfer path to ASU. Get started with MyPath2ASU, explore ASU degree programs, and search MyPath2ASU majors. Utilize customized tools and get access to resources to help you navigate your transfer experience.



University of Arizona logo

UArizona Transfer

Pathways to the UA. View your specific pathway by choosing a UA degree to get started on a seamless transition from a community college.


Transferring 信息

Grand Canyon University logo

Grand Canyon University

转至GCU. Get assistance and support during your transition process to provide a hassle-free transfer experience. 


Transferring 信息