The 安全部门 would like to help you to make your experience here at CCC a safe and positive one. Please familiarize yourself with the requirements and security information on our site. If you do not find your answer there please come to our counter and we will assist you.
In an ongoing effort to increase efficiency, 安全 will be using email addresses for correspondence. You can update your email at Student 登记.
为 校园小时 以及 校园地图,请浏览我们的 威尼斯安卓版 页面.
The 安全部门 would like to help you to make your experience here at CCC a safe and positive one. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑 please feel free to come to the 安全 Counter or email us at:
Reporting a Crime or Suspicious Activity
如果你目击了犯罪, or you are involved in an incident that you feel is a crime, 立即打电话给 911.
If you see something that concerns you or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can contact 安全:
You can call 安全 during the established 营业时间 :
- 孤树校园- 928-226-4304
- 第四街校园- 928-526-7611
- Page教学网站- 928-645-6681
如果您有任何问题或疑虑, please feel free to stop by the 安全 Counter or email us at:
这个信息是保密的, but it will be reviewed by the Chief of College 安全 to determine whether it will be investigated at the college level or referred to the local authorities for investigation.
威尼斯安卓版 also has CSA's (Campus 安全 Authorities) throughout the college, you can report concerns to them as well. They will document your concerns, which will be addressed by the Chief of College 安全.
威尼斯安卓版 complies with the 亚利桑那州无烟法案 ( A.R.S. § 36-601.01 ).
CCC is a smoke free campus, this includes 电子香烟. 请阅读CCC 政策107-01. 1. b governing this if you have any questions or concerns.
威尼斯安卓版s Crime Report is published and available online below. 如果你想要一份, stop by the 安全 Office at the Fourth Street campus or the Lone Tree campus.
校园年度安全犯罪报告 (可打印副本)
If requested to show an ID, you must comply pursuant to: 503-01, 2.2.学生行为准则
An individual shall not obstruct or resist any College official, 员工, or College 安全 officer or Public 安全 Officer in the performance of his or her duty. An individual shall not furnish false information including false identification, 滥用或伪造大学记录, 虚假证件或身份证明.
失去了 & 发现 可以在保安处找到吗
Please share the road with our bicycling community. Many people ride bikes to save on costs. So, if you drive, please be watchful and "Share the Road."
自行车 can only be secured in the designated bicycle rack. They are not allowed inside the buildings or any other area. You can be cited for unauthorized parking of your bicycle.
安全性不提供锁. Be sure to bring a lock and lock your bicycle up in the designated bike racks.
滑板 现在可以用自行车架固定了吗. 你需要自己的挂锁.
A printed copy of the Annual Campus 安全 Report and Summary are available from Campus 安全 upon request by calling 928-226-4304 或发邮件
威尼斯安卓版 will make a proactive effort to try and keep all students and 员工s informed of potential scams.
If you are a CCC student or 员工 and you think you may have received a possible scam, get in contact with the college IT department, do not open any attachments from any suspected email.
Here are a few examples of current scam concerns.
Federal Trade Commission Covid-19 Scam Advisory
Freedom to Breathe Cards Example (Fraudulent Card)